DSS 2021 - Journal Special Issue
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Journal Special Issue

Note:The recommended conference papers to the special issues of the following journals should undergo another quick review before accepted by the journals. If those papers are accepted, they will not be published in the IEEE CPS proceedings.

1.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
SI: Graph-based Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems

2. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
SI: Data Science for Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems

3. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
SI: The Nexus Between Edge Computing and AI for 6G Networks

4.IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
SI: Deep Learning-Empowered Big Data Analytics in Biomedical Applications and Digital Healthcare

5.IET Communications
SI: Intelligent Metasurfaces for Smart Connectivity

6.Security and Communication Networks
SI: Protocols, Technologies, and Infrastructures for Secure Mobile Video Communications

7. MDPI Sensors
SI: Recent Advances in Algorithm and Distributed Computing for the Internet of Things

8. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
SI: Privacy-Preserving Solutions in the Internet of Things

9. Building and Environment
SI: AI and IoT Applications of Smart Buildings and Smart Environment Design, Construction and Maintenance

10. Journal of Systems Architecture
SI: Cloud-Edge-End Architecture for Internet of Things Applications

11. Information Processes
SI: "Crossing “Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom” Models—Challenges, Solutions, and Recommendations"

12. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
SI: "Endogenous Security Technologies and Architectures for the IoT"

13. Scientific Programming
SI: "Scientific Programming for Multimodal Big Data 2021"


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